Monday, July 23, 2007

moving monday

ah, monday-- time to get crackin'. There's the move upstairs so we can become the idiots in my brother's attic, which is mostly done except for the mountains and mountains of random crap we've deposited throughout the house over the last year that i need to box and move upstairs so that my brother and his family will have room to deposit THEIR random crap. Which will take a while. I was kind of sad about the move this weekend, even though it means the return of my beloved niece E. (um, and K. and J.- I do love them all, she's just got that youngest-cute thing going on). While B. is still a baby, this is a transition from his newborn days and our days as brand-new parents-- we moved out of the room we brought him home to and out of his purple nursery with the beautiful quilts. So I mourned a bit on Saturday, went to bed, and seriously bummed out my husband G. Like toothbrushes, toxic tired moods are not to be shared. But now we are both just focused on getting it DONE.
Then there is the pouch. I am at least 15 lbs too heavy- I'm 172 at 5'8". And it shows- I am a chubby girl these days. I can't complain- I've been eating whatever I want and not exercising (except for me and B's walk to the Metro). And that made sense for a while-I 've been way too tired to exercise or eat anything other than what was in front of me. But that time is over. Going to the gym last week was, if humiliating, also pretty quick- I can do a solid weight-training circuit and be back upstairs in 30 minutes. So there is no excuse not to. Food will be harder, as we are not cooking shit right now (and I'm packing up our pots and pans tonight). So maybe I'll start with the exercise and wean myself off of my breakfasts of Dots (yup, Saturday) a little later.
And here at the palace of excellent lighting? It's all about getting my head chock-full of my new case so I can beat back the poor work habits and general sloppiness that have characterized my post-partnum work. Thankfully no one seems to have noticed but I know I can be better. And now I'm going to do it.

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